Wednesday, February 20, 2013

26-weeks appointment and glucose test

I just drank my fruit punch glucose drink for my 1-hour glucose tolerance test. I had to drink it within 3 minutes, which I did, and now I have the shakes from the deluge of sugar. Twin A seems to like the sugar--she's nudging/kicking away! I'll leave for the doctor in about 20 minutes but wanted to start this post. Can't believe I'm almost to my third trimester!!! Time sure does fly. I feel a bit more confident about the house and have picked out paint colors for the nursery. My goal is to have the nursery all painted and ready (sans furniture unless some of it arrives before the shower) early in my spring break.

Appointment went well! I have to wait 3-5 days to get my glucose test results, though. Oh, the suspense!!! I really hope I passed because I don't think I could drink that stuff on an empty stomach and keep it down. Doctor wrote me a note for frequent sitting at work (yes!!!) and recommended a maternity belt to help with my ferocious round ligament pain. I am ordering that thing STAT!!!! I would take a warm bath tonight, but we have no gas until tomorrow. I'm measuring at 29 weeks, which is normal for twin pregnancy, and both girls' heartbeats are in the 140s. Twin B behaved herself this time, probably because of the sugar crash. The doc saw us long after most of the glucose had passed out of my system.

I get to see my babies on the 6th when I go for my sonogram, and my doctor has coordinated my visits to her office with my visits to the perinatologist so I don't have to make so many different trips. Luckily they're both in the same medical center.

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