Monday, February 4, 2013

24th week

It's crazy how much different two weeks make, especially in terms of belly size and frequency/intensity of the pains and aches that accompany pregnancy. I feel like it was just overnight that my belly just popped and made itself undeniably known. That's the first kind of comment my colleagues have been saying lately. My administrators said last week, "You went from 'not pregnant' to 'pregnant' overnight!" when they saw me for a meeting. I suppose my maternity clothes help accentuate my growing bump, as well. BTW, maternity jeans are heaven!!!!! I have to find a way to wear them when I'm not pregnant anymore! So so so so comfy! :) By the end of the day, I feel full. There's really no other way to describe it...I mean, I don't feel like I just ate two Thanksgiving dinners. I just feel like the room in my belly has shrunk so much that there just isn't any more give! I have feared for my twins running out of room before they're big enough to survive outside of the womb! I go to my new doctor on Wednesday, and I won't worry myself needlessly unless she says as much, especially about how much weight I've gained. According to my scale at home, I've gained 28 pounds, which is supposedly 4 pounds over where I "should" be. Again, I'm not going to stress about it unless my doc tells me to be more careful.

I haven't found a good schedule for working out (walking and swimming), but we just moved into our house two weekends ago, and I'm still recovering from the lack of sleep, extra stress, and extra toll it took physically on my body. I'm ecstatic to live in a house, for sure, but I'm hoping I can bounce back from the fatigue and overall lethargy I'm feeling. My commute to and from work isn't bad, but I do have to go to bed at least an hour earlier to compensate for an earlier wake-up time. Don't even get me started on the workout it is just to get out of bed for nightly bathroom trips!!! I have a feeling one of my girls' heads/feet are up in my ribs because by the end of the day, it's difficult to breathe due to the pressure there. I am hoping the doc suggests what I can do to alleviate some of that discomfort as the girls get bigger. Round ligament pain has become much more noticeable, as well, but I know if I exercise more regularly, that will help with it. I walked and swam all last weekend in the morning, and the school librarian has established a walking group that will meet after work. I am eager to join. I'm used to crossfit and weightlifting workouts where there's a sense of community, and I've been missing that quite a bit since I've stopped and stuck with less intense exercise. Not sure how my commute home will be on days I leave 30-40 minutes later, but I think the trade-off will be worth it.

Belly pics aren't going to look so great compared to my birthday pic, but here they are.

22 weeks 3 days

24 weeks 1 day

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