Thursday, February 7, 2013

24-weeks Exam

2/6/13: I was nervous about switching doctors since I'm used to how my old doctor handled things. Well, I had my new patient appointment with my new doctor this morning, and I'm very happy with her so far! I was mad at first, though, because I assumed I'd be getting a sono since I'm due for one (monthly). The nurse told me it'd be a "normal" appointment with no sono but I asked, "Even though I'm having twins?" and she was like, "Oh, let me tell the doctor." So I sat there waiting for a good 30 minutes, and I'll admit: I pouted the whole time. I know I should count myself lucky that I get to see my babies at every appointment unlike singleton mamas. I was still bummed, though! Anyway, the doc came in and told me that she wants me to see a perinatologist, who will do my sonograms from here on out. That made me feel so much better. My doctor measured me (first time!), and I'm measuring at about 27 weeks, which she said is normal for twin pregnancy. I asked her about my weight gain since the Internet told me I was overdoing it, and she said I'm doing fine and should gain more with twins. She measured the girls' heart rates, and Twin B clearly did not like it one bit. She kept moving away from the doppler wand, hehe! Such a little firecracker already!!! But both have healthy heartbeats and I can't wait to see them tomorrow! I'm very curious to see whether they've flipped over or otherwise changed positions.

2/7/13: My favorite time of the month: when I get to see my girls. :) I went to a perinatologist at Presbyterian Hospital in Plano for my sonogram, and the sonographer was very business-like. It was so fun to see them again. A month is a long time to go without seeing my babies, although I do understand that singleton mamas don't get a sonogram every month. Everything looked great, and Twin B has finally gotten a little bigger than Twin A at 1lb 12oz. Twin A weighs 1lb 10oz. No wonder I feel so heavy sometimes, especially when I'm tired! Twin A's heart rate was 153 bpm, and Twin B's was 150 bpm. I just adore hearing their little hearts beating!!! Both girls are already bonding--they were head-to-head when the sonographer started the exam. They are both breech right now (they were both vertex at last month's exam), which explains the flutters I feel below sometimes. It tickles sometimes! And the jabs I've felt near my belly button have been the girls' arms and hands. It's just so awesome and scary to think they'll be here in just about three more months! I have sooo much more to do to prepare the house and their nursery for their arrival. The cats have settled in the new house pretty much already, and once I get more stuff unpacked and put away, they'll likely feel 100% at home. I know I will! But I love our house and can't wait to make it a home.

Twin A isn't camera shy. :)

Twin B already seems like a feisty one! :)

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