Saturday, January 19, 2013

21 Weeks

21 weeks has been quite an interesting one! I finally felt one of the babies kick and move around! Earlier in the week, I woke myself snoring, and I felt a flutter in the area where Baby A's legs and feet are. It was amazing!!! I felt her kick quite a bit, and even Kason could feel it. :) After that, I felt her moving and kicking pretty regularly. It's usually after I drink something cold, am hungry, and wake up to pee. I complained a bit on the birth boards about not being able to feel my babies kick yet, but now I feel Baby A at least four or five times a day. I think I've felt Baby B a few times, but she's in an anterior placenta so it's more difficult to feel her. What a miracle, though! It blows my mind sometimes!

Yesterday, Kason and I became home owners for the first time. We get to move into our house next Saturday, and I can't wait to prepare the nursery and everything. Later we went to Melting Pot for fondue and then a show for a belated birthday celebration. I'm going to go swimming tomorrow and Monday, and it's going to feel great! I've had this nagging ache in my right hip for a while, especially in the morning. I'll have a longer commute, but it will be worth it living in a house!

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