Monday, December 31, 2012

19th Week

We made it safely to and from Atlanta for the holidays! It was great fun visiting family and seeing little Alex and Parker again, but I was more than ready to be back in Texas in my own bed and with Castor and Pollux. The neighbor took really good care of them, and we paid him back with a big pack of Bud Light. :) Actually, I had a bad sinus infection for our entire trip until Kason took me to an urgent care in Atlanta. The doctor gave me a Z pack, and that fixed me right up. I hadn't slept for a week and a half. Getting up multiple times to pee is tolerable because you can do it half-asleep, but I would be wide awake blowing my nose and coughing at least every hour or so. It was awful!!! I'm sure the twins wondered if the earthquakes would ever end.

My mom was thrilled to see me and told me that I remind her of the Madonna--serene and calm as a pregnant lady. That made me smile because I do feel happy and calm about my pregnancy. It's been relatively easy considering all the potential side effects I haven't had to endure. Not to say that the heartburn and sheer exhaustion during the first trimester were fun, but I do count myself lucky to not have the problems I've read about on the baby birth boards. I suppose I'll have a glucose test at my next appointment, but I don't foresee a positive result. Kason has made my pregnancy a happy and enjoyable one, too, because he's always telling me how beautiful I am and is very attentive to what I need or want. It's extremely helpful to feel supported and loved with my body going through so many changes. I have about five to six more weeks of my second trimester to go, so I'm going to enjoy the extra energy and break from heartburn while they last. It's such an indescribable feeling to watch my growing belly and to feel the changes going on. Such a miracle! I'm beyond curious about what the twins will look like and who each one will favor. I'm pretty sure they'll both have brown hair and eyes, but I can't wait to see how their facial features and other characteristics turn out. Mom wants me to call her when I'm still in the ultrasound chair to tell her what I'm having when I go back on the 9th. I wanted to send her a box of balloons, but she insisted that I call her right away and that it was much too long to wait for a box to get to her. Haha! We're going to send a box to Kris, though, as I know she'll enjoy the surprise.

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