Thursday, December 6, 2012

Almost time again!

Second trimester is going pretty well! I don't feel like I'm going to die from starvation, I have a lot more energy, and I don't have as many food aversions. Had first In N Out since Kris and Tom were in town last July. The twinnies are going to really like In N Out and Mexican food--that's pretty much what I crave nowadays. I would eat El Fenix and Chipotle everyday if I could. I also always want raw veggies and fruit, so hopefully the kids will, too. I usually have waited to take a bump pic every other week, but Tuesday I looked like I'd popped. The ladies on my birth board are betting I'm having a girl, and I do hope I have a girl and a boy. My next doc appointment is next Thursday. I'm crossing my fingers that both babies cooperate so the tech can guess their sexes! If she can, then I'm going to reveal at Xmas with onesies for Mom and Kris. :)

Preggo belly ring! It glows in the dark. :)

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