Monday, December 10, 2012

16 weeks! Can't wait for Thursday!!

Castor decided to photobomb this one!
I'm 16 weeks along today, and I am looking so forward to Thursday's doc appointment, it's hard to contain myself! I do have to prepare myself for the possibility that the kiddos won't cooperate during the u/s and will therefore hide their sexes from the tech, but I'm hoping so badly that they are relaxed and letting it all hang out (haha). I've started showing a lot more since last week, and colleagues and students always comment on my bump. It gets tiring sometimes to hear from students, "Miss, you're getting bigger!" or "Miss, are you going to be able to walk next month?" I just tell them, "Yep, that's what we want, right?" and "We'll see, won't we??" I guess they're showing me their enthusiasm and close attention to my growing bump, but seriously? Same questions and comments every week?? Get more creative, please! Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good most days, except my lower back gets sore sometimes, especially from having to sleep with a body pillow. I won't miss that at all once the twinnies are here!!! Will update after my appointment on Thursday, the 13th. Then we're going to see The Hobbit the next day (hoping it's not sold out as the theater we want to go to doesn't do online ticketing)! One more week of work and then it's winter break! Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!!!!

Update: appointment went well, but the tech couldn't tell the sex of Baby B (she was completely sure about Baby A), so it's still a secret for now until I go back January 9. No Xmas reveal, but that's all right. It'll be more fun once we are 100% sure of both sexes. It was very neat to see each baby's different organs, skeleton, and brain. They seemed a bit tired today compared to last month's scan--neither was wiggling or flipping as much. However, when the tech was pushing harder to get good readings on Baby A, I felt Baby B move to my left side. Last month, both babies were hanging out in my right side. Baby A's heart rate is 155 and is 17 weeks 1 day along; Baby B's heart rate is 150 and is 16 weeks 4 days. The tech said everything looks fine and normal, and the doctor agreed. Baby A weighs about 7 oz. (!) and Baby B is about 4-5 (can't remember exactly what the tech said). That seems heavy to me, but they're healthy and that's what matters. I asked if it's OK to sleep on my back, and doc said it's fine as long as I lie on a pillow or something so I'm not completely flat on my back. Whew! I hate lying on my side, especially the left, right now--it isn't comfortable at all. Doesn't seem like the twinnies like being scanned because I felt mild cramping sensations after my appointment. I don't think I'd like to be poked, either! Well, one more week and a day left of working before the break. January 9 will be here before I know it. :)

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