Thursday, April 11, 2013

33 weeks

33 weeks 6 days
Last Wednesday, the doctors released me to go home on SBR, so I have been home since then. It was surprising but in a good way. Summer's cord is no longer in a dangerous position, and there is no more funneling. My cervix has stabilized in terms of length, so the bed rest is doing its job. It's still too short to allow me to graduate from SBR, but I'm just happy about Summer's cord. Spending all day in bed before my sonogram on Tuesday was monotonous, but after my perinatology appointment, the doctor said I could recline and lie on the sofa, not just in bed. So I've been spending more time out in the main room instead of just the bedroom. We got our new bed today--a Reverie It is so comfortable and high up, which is going to make this last month of my pregnancy much more bearable. I get up at least every hour to hour and a half to pee throughout the night, and our old bed was so low to the floor that it just hurt to get out of bed. I am looking forward to sleeping well tonight!!! Kason has really gone above and beyond to make sure I'm taken care of. He's juggling caring for me, working, and going to his night law classes. He is such a blessing! We girls are so lucky. He painted in the trees and heart that I'd already sketched for the nursery, and it all turned out really well. Laura and Todd and the boys are coming today to help out around the house and for the housewarming party on Saturday, so that will be great to see them. Laura is very artistic, and I'm going to ask her to finish painting the cherry blossoms on the trees. She painted this beautiful family tree in their living room in GA.

Today was our housewarming/baby shower party, and the weather was beyond gorgeous! I got to sit outside in the glider with my feet propped on the ottoman for a good part of it. The fresh air was wonderful!!! It was such a treat to see friends I haven't seen in a while, as well as meet Kason's law school, childhood, and Army friends. It was a highly enjoyable day.

I'm including pictures of the nursery from half-finished to 95% finished (the crib mattresses haven't arrived yet).

Before flowers 

Thank you, Laura, for contributing your artistic talent!
Cribs and trees
Closet wall

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