Tuesday, November 13, 2012

12 weeks and so impatient!!!!

I was 12 weeks yesterday, and I have another doc appointment this Thursday for the NT scan and maybe a guess at the twinnies' genders. The symptoms haven't been as terrible, and I can actually make it through the day without stuffing my face all the time. The weekends are the best because I can sleep in and feel rested, plus not be on my feet for extended periods of time like at work. But during the work week, heartburn sets in pretty bad in the evenings. I've had bad headaches for a few days in a row, as well...I suppose that's another symptom. I feel so impatient to see my babies again and make sure they're healthy and developing well! Kason will be at this appointment, so I'm doubly excited and nervous! Will post an update afterward. :)

Heart rate: 155; 12 weeks 5 days
Heart rate: 162; 12 weeks 4 days
The appointment went very well. Both babies are healthy and had normal NT scan measurements. Baby A's heart rate is 155 @ 12 weeks and 5 days; Baby B's heart rate is 162 @ 12 weeks and 4 days. Baby B is upside down, which I found interesting. Baby A did a flip while the nurse was trying to measure his neck fold. :) I couldn't help having a big idiot grin on my face most of the time, and I tried not to laugh too hard so that it wouldn't mess up the ultrasound images. I'm on cloud 9 knowing that my twinnies are doing great! I go back to the doctor on December 13, and I'm really hoping they can ascertain the genders then so I can reveal at Xmas. We'll see! Now four more weeks of suspense.

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