Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10 weeks and 1 day

Just two weeks and a few days until my 2nd doctor's visit and sonogram. I feel so impatient about seeing my babies again and making sure they are healthy and safe! Waiting between visits is probably the most difficult part of this experience so far. That, and I've discovered that I get pretty bad car sickness when I ride in the passenger seat, especially after eating. I sure hope this is a temporary condition (not past first trimester!) because Kason and I plan to drive to MS and GA for the holidays in December. I suppose I won't be able to drive/ride such a far distance if the doctor says no. It will be a bummer if I can't, but I will fly to Atlanta if I can. I'll probably have to drive to and from Tyler when we go for Thanksgiving, unless this car sickness goes away 2nd trimester (praying!!!). The heartburn is mostly every now and then, although the new prenatals I'm sampling made me nauseated last night, ugh! I'm just mostly very tired and try to take advantage of energy spurts when they come. Like last night before the prenatal hit, I cooked chicken, tacos, and oatmeal, and felt fine...except I have to make sure I eat every 2 to 2.5 hours or I feel sick/weak. Counting down the days to 11/15 when I go back to the doctor!

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