Saturday, November 2, 2013

Six months already?!

I can't believe Summer and Scarlett are already six months old today. Time is flying by so quickly! Before I know it, they'll be walking and talking! Part of me is excited for them to start playing with each other, but the other part is sad that they're growing up so fast. I love them more and more each day--doesn't seem possible! It's adorable: Summer will laugh and smile at Scarlett every time she happens to look her way. Scarlett is usually more interested in looking at her surroundings and other people she's never seen before. Their personalities are so different, but they make very similar sounds. Scarlett has just now begun blowing bubbles, whereas Summer has done that for months. I feel so fortunate to be able to stay home with them and watch my baby girls develop and grow!

Some more pictures to enjoy: