Friday, May 3, 2013

Welcome to the world, Summer and Scarlett!

Baby A's Name: Summer Helene
Date of Birth: 5/2/13
Original Due Date: 5/26/13
Weeks Pregnant: 36.4
Baby A's Weight: 6lb 7oz
Baby A's Length: 18.5

Baby B's Name: Scarlett Victoria
Date of Birth: 5/2/13
Original Due Date: 5/26/13
Weeks Pregnant: 36.4
Baby B's Weight: 5lb 13oz
Baby B's Length: 18.75

After a routine sonogram, my peri and OBGYN told me that it was time for the girls to be born. I had mild pre-eclampsia (high BP and swelling in my feet, ankles, and legs/thigh), and both girls were at a healthy weight so they would be fine. So I checked into L&D and had blood drawn and a doppler exam on my legs to rule out DVT, all of which came out normal.

At 10:15 a.m. on May 2, my nurse started prepping me for my cesarean with a saline IV, two stomach-acid-calming drugs, and an antibiotic. The anesthesiologist came in at about 11:30 to insert my epidural and spinal block. I think my nerves were already starting to run away from me because my legs started shaking like crazy. The nurse was wonderful, though, and kept me calm while the equally awesome anesthesiologist talked me through the entire process. I was dreading the needle that numbs you first, but really, now that I'm typing this up the day after and have experienced the uterine cramping, I can honestly say that needle prick was nothing. It really didn't hurt, nor did the lidocaine burn going in. The worst part of the surgery itself was not being able to breathe deeply, which was from losing feeling from the boobs down. I had to calm myself and concentrate on breathing by counting to three in and out. Kason was wonderful throughout, talking in my ear about how awesome our little family was going to be and how proud he was of me. As soon as the OBGYN pulled out Summer and I heard her cry, I felt like I could breathe and such a thrill! Then I heard Scarlett cry, and I could breathe even more easily. Both girls were healthy with no breathing problems or anything, and I got a little bit of skin-to-skin with them before being wheeled to recovery. While there, I got to nurse them, and Scarlett was a real pro. She went right to town, but Summer resisted a bit until she decided she was hungry and latched. After they were wheeled back to the nursery for other routine procedures and I was wheeled to post-partum, I felt so relieved and so exhausted. It was an amazing experience, one that I won't ever forget!

This morning, I fed both girls tandem. :) After a few failed attempts at switching babies between breasts (Scarlett will nurse from either with no problems!), Summer showed Kason and me that she will nurse only from my left one, so this morning, I put her on there and she got right down to business. It was so adorable!!! I love my daughters so much and am in such awe of them. We mamas truly do an incredible feat of carrying our little ones and bringing them into the world.